I am extremely pleased to be able to learn Chinese martial arts from Master Gao of Wujitang during the past few years. In classes, he always explains in detail what our mind and body need to do in order to perform and master the various moves and steps of Taichi, Bagua and Yiquan. He would also demonstrate to us and work with us personally. Through learning Taichi, Bagua and Yiquan with Master Gao, I have greatly improved my body posture and enhanced my lower body strength, and was able to run my first marathon. I would not hesitate to recommend Master Gao to anyone who is interested in learning Chinese martial arts and in improving health and body fitness.
I have been learning various martial arts forms at Wujitang since 2013. Although I have sustained many injuries from other sports training, I have been able to relieve pain and strengthen my tendons and muscles through practising Taichi, Bagua, Yiquan and Yi Jin Jing. Now I am able to handle weapons that are heavier and larger than my racquets. Daily practice also helps to control my blood sugar level. Even my singing and saxophone playing have marked improvement as a result of more air support, better circulation and correct posture. Wujitang offers many kinds of internal martial arts forms, and Master Gao makes it fascinating by explaining the Chinese culture, health enhancement principles and application in self defence. For me, it is definitely an interest worthy to develop and an excellent way of managing health.
I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis through MRI in 2008. There was aching pain throughout the whole body. My lifestyle and sleeping quality deteriorated tremendously. I tried to relieve the pain through various sports but there was not much improvement.
Fortunately I met Master Gao in 2008 and began to learn Taichi and other internal martial arts with him. Under Master Gao’s teaching and through my diligent practices, my body conditions showed remarkable improvements and the pain was quickly alleviated. The result was so encouraging that I increased my training from once a week to seven days a week. In 2013 I had to undergo an operation, but thanks to my training, I was able to have a speedy recovery.
I also enjoy the atmosphere of Wujitang a lot as the students are just like a family and provide mutual support to each other.
Before I started learning Taichi at Wujitang in 2009, I had frequent back pains. I also noticed that as I was getting older I was gradually losing energy. After several months of this exercise I noticed significant improvements and over the last few years my back pain has never come back. I feel having more energy than before. I like how the forms were taught by Master Gao. The emphasis is on the correct postures along with explanations based on martial art applications. I have therefore started to learn other forms such as Xing Yi, Bagua and Yiquan. As a bonus of learning at Wujitang, I got to make many good friends who share the same interests as I do.

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