Taichi is a relaxation exercise that helps clear the mind and relax the body. It also improves blood circulation and oxygen intake, thus enhancing one’s vital energy.
Guided by the mind and thoughts, Taichi movements are carried out in slow, relaxed, balanced and highly coordinated manner. There is a continuous interaction between one’s inner self and outer frame work.
Master Gao teaches Wu and Chen style Taichi. There are classes for forms, push-hand practice and weapon training.
Chen-style Tai Chi Fan
The Chen-style Tai Chi Fan is a distinctive martial arts fitness program that combines Tai Chi boxing with other martial arts dance movements. With coordinated body movements, it seamlessly integrates both strength and fluidity, encompassing a balanced approach to defense and attack. Its movements possess a graceful and elegant beauty, while retaining the inherent vigor of martial arts. This practice not only promotes physical well-being and health but also holds artistic and cultural value for appreciation.
More videos by Master Gao available on YouTube Wujitang channel.

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